Friday, November 30, 2007

Another kitty loss

Only a few weeks ago we had to put Tigre to sleep (she is the one on the right) and now we have lost another one. Botas (on the left) died of complicatons from liver failure. She had been lethargic since Tigre died but got worse. We took her to the vet but she was too far gone for help and we determined it best to put her to sleep. That was on the day before Thanksgiving. She was about 10 years old. This picture is about 5 years old and you can see that both Botas and Tigre looked fat and sassy. We miss our little friends. Now we are down to just one cat, our 18 pound male cat - Oso.

1 comment:

mpwalker said...

that's so sad to hear papa. I hope you both are doing well during this time. Losing a pet is certainly a big loss, especially cute little tigrea and botas!!